

Implications of SNC: Beyond Curriculum

Introduction Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI) in its manifesto, had identified the uniform system of schooling as one of its priority. It based its ambitious plan to eradicate the ‘educational apartheid’ of foreign and elite schools in Pakistan in the hopes to provide equal education to all under the ‘one nation, one curriculum’ vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan. The Single National curriculum (SNC) has been described as a means to that end. While we understand the need to provide access to quality education for all children, we also cannot help but see the fallacies of the arguments and grounds put forward by the government to impose one curriculum and the dangers it poses to not just the rights of…

Child Marriages: A Commentary on the Recent Judgment by Justice Anwar ul Haq Pannun | By Sara Raza

Introduction Child marriage, which is considered as violence against children by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), has a disproportionately high rate in South Asia, with an overwhelming majority of children being girls. Pakistan has the sixth highest number of child marriages in the world, where 21% of the girls are reported to have gotten married before 18 years of age and 3% before they turned 15, with the former globally known as the age of transition from adolescence to adulthood. Child Marriage in Pakistan, which was earlier a federal subject within the ambit of the federal legislature, was devolved to the provinces and became a provincial subject by virtue of the 18th Amendment, as a result of which each…

The Economic Fallout and Invisible Hand of Market Forces – Sheraz Zaka

We all are living in strange times as according to Yuval Noah Harari in his book ‘Sapiens’ wrote that many short-term emergency measures become a fixture for life because the risk of doing nothing becomes bigger in crisis -like- situation; decisions which could take years of deliberation are then made promptly in few hours keeping in view desperate times call for desperate measures. The world has come to a stand-still due to the outbreak of corona virus. The economic consequences are going to get manifold with the passage of time in case the deleterious effects of the pandemic are not controlled. It takes us back to year 1918 when similar effects were witnessed in US due to the spread of…

Black Swan: Foreign Policy and New Global Order – Sheraz Zaka

The world has never seen such tumultuous times since Second World War. The novel corona virus has led to such catastrophic consequences that the largest economy in the world, US, has witnessed unemployment rate in double digits. Surely, as the experts say, the pandemic can be classified as a ‘Black Swan’ event. Coupled with the decreasing oil prices due to decrease in demand overall has led to drastic cut in the profits of oil companies. It was the US president Donald Trump, who initially advocated the low prices of oil and gasoline for the benefit of consumer welfare but at present, he seems to be worried about the decrease in these prices to what they were thirty years ago. The…

COVID-19, the Right to Life, and Domestic Violence – Haniya Hasan

COVID-19 has managed to disrupt much of ordinary life, confining us to our homes, and shuttering up the world around us. A welcome change this might be for many, but not for one group of the especially vulnerable: women who suffer domestic violence. An alarming revelation that has appeared in various countries is the plight of women who are now effectively trapped with their abusers in their houses. This is the consequence of the global lockdown being implemented in many countries; not only are people told to stay inside, social care services like women shelters, support networks, and helplines have also closed their doors or limited their outreach. This creates an intersectional dilemma with a lot of moving parts: protecting…